Purchase a 12 Months Unlimited Riding Package and save over $2000. Event days are good for 12 months from date of sale.
How this special works? Follow the following steps below:
- Purchase this special
- Once we receive your order, we will then process your order and send you an email which includes your “coupon code” that can be used for any event for an entire year (by you ONLY)
- Once you receive the email, you go online to www.fastrackriders.com
- Select the event date you like to attend
- Scroll to the bottom and select the level 1, 2 or 3; a rider who has NEVER been on a track MUST also purchase Rider Development School (+$100)
- Enter this coupon code: “Coupon Code Provided in the email”
- Then Add to Cart and Proceed to Checkout.
Offer expires 12/31/2020. Fastrack Riders reserves the right to change offers, cancel offers early or extend offers without notice. This package does can not be used for special events (i.e. Cars, Academy, University, Europe…)