Motorcycle Trackday

Level I
Level I is for riders with less experience and those wanting to get more comfortable on the track. All riders riding on the race track for the first time are required to sign up for the Rider Development School. This way each rider will make a safe transition from riding on the streets to riding on the track. The Rider Development School rides with Level I. Some riders will ride with Level I several times while they become more accustomed to track riding, while others move up after only one or two Track Days with Level I. The Level I riding group allows passing inside and out on the straights and on the outside only in the turns. The turn begins where there are two braking cones so no passing on the inside after that point. All passes must be clean six foot passes or rider will be reported to pre grid. Any physical contact made with another rider or bike will call for immediate suspension from the event. At Level I, riders will significantly improve their overall skill, become familiar with track safety issues and get used to the pace and feel of riding on the track. Rates for Level I vary by track.

Level II
Level II is for experienced day track riders and intermediate street riders that are ready to pick up the pace and explore riding skills involved with passing and being passed at higher speeds.
The Level II group allows passing inside and out every place on the track including the corners except TURN 12 at ACS (No passing allowed past double green cones in TURN 12) However, the passes must be clean, six-foot passes or the rider will be returned to pre-grid. Any physical contact made with another bike or rider will result in immediate suspension from the event.
Rates for Level II vary by track.

Level III
When you are ready to really open it up, you are ready for Level III. Level III track time is intended to get riders comfortable passing at your bike’s fastest speeds.
A six-foot clearance between bikes is the only passing rule in level III.
Level III is intended for the very experienced track rider or fast street rider that is not intimidated by speed or by riding with other fast bikes.
Rates for Level III vary by track.
- Full Face Helmet – Helmet rentals are available for $15.00
- Back protectors are highly recommended – back protectors rentals are available for $10.00
- 1 piece OR 2 piece leather suit (that zips together). NOTE: 2-Piece Suits must zip together all the way around or you will NOT be allowed to ride! – ACT Leather suits are available for rent for $65/day + security deposit.
- Ballistic Nylon Suits are approved as well; provided they zip all the way around.
- Rider must have valid medical insurance – Obtain a medical insurance quote.
- Proper motorcycle riding gloves that go at least one inch above the wrist (such as Dainese Full Metal Steel Gloves). – Gloves rental are available for $5.00.
- Proper motorcycle boots (such as Dainese Axial D1 boots). No hiking boots or tennis shoes will be allowed! – Boots rentals are available for $20.
All first time track riders are required to take the Rider Development School (“RDS”) in addition to signing up for level 1. First time track riders begin at the novice level to assure the smoothest transition from the street to the track. RDS participants are given an extra session at 8:00 AM to allow them to get a feel for the track, familiarizing themselves with each turn, and to give them a reference when they’re in the classroom.
In addition to the morning familiarization lap, there are eight 20-minute riding sessions. Every student is assured some one-on-one time with our instructors as we limit the class size to one instructor for every four students.
Course includes on and off track instruction with our USMCA certified instructors. On track instruction includes lead and follow with video recorded so that you can watch yourself When off the track, Course work covers track safety, riding and suspension and tire fundamentals. You will learn everything you need to know to be a smoother, more confident rider on and off the track.
FASTRACK RIDERS reserves the right to change its policy without notice. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN.
YOU, the CUSTOMER/RIDER expressly agree to be bound by the conditions, regarding FASTRACK RIDERS’ Cancellation & Terms And Conditions policy, its terms, waivers and conditions; and YOU expressly acknowledge your acceptance of the terms, waivers and conditions necessary for purchase and participation in a FASTRACK RIDERS’ event.
Event Cancellation Requested by Customer:
Fastrack MEMBERS, with an ACTIVE base or VIP membership at the time of the cancellation request, will be issued a carryover credit for a cancellation request that is submitted in writing via email up to 24 hours prior to the requested event start date. Cancellation credits exclude private coaching and special events (special events are non-standard ACS Levels 1—3 registration). The carryover credit will expire 90 days from date of cancellation request. All cancellation requests must be submitted by email. Cancellation will be deemed effective upon receipt of written approval by a FASTRACK RIDERS representative. If YOU fail to cancel within the 24 hours prior to the requested event start date, YOU will forfeit all money paid. In the event of a no-show, all money paid will be forfeited.
NON-MEMBERS, individuals who do not have an ACTIVE Base or VIP membership at the time of the cancellation request, will be issued a carryover credit for a cancellation request that is submitted in writing via email up to fourteen (14) days in advance of an event minus a $75.00 processing fee. The carry over credit will expire 90 days from date of cancellation request. All cancellation requests must be submitted by email. Cancellation will be deemed effective upon receipt of written approval by a FASTRACK RIDERS representative. If YOU to cancel within fourteen (14) days prior to the requested event start date, YOU will forfeit all money paid. In the event of a no-show, all money paid will be forfeited.
Event Cancellation by FASTRACK RIDERS:
FASTRACK RIDERS has a Rain or Shine policy. Fastrack Riders reserves the right to cancel an event or a rider group as deemed necessary at its discretion. If an event or a rider group is cancelled by FASTRACK RIDERS:
Fastrack MEMBERS, with an ACTIVE Base or VIP membership at the time of the cancellation, will be issued a carryover credit to be used at a Fastrack event within 365 days of the cancelled event.
NON-MEMBERS, individuals who do not have an ACTIVE Base or VIP membership at the time of the cancellation, will be issued a carryover credit for a makeup event as specified by Fastrack Riders and will be good for only that make up event, and may NOT be used at any other scheduled FASTRACK RIDERS events. The CUSTOMER will be notified, via email, of the makeup date within 30 days of the cancellation. FASTRACK RIDERS reserves the right to schedule the make-up event to occur within 365 days of the cancelled event. FASTRACK RIDERS does not guarantee nor does it take any responsibility for those who are unable to attend the make-up event for ANY reasons, including scheduling conflicts.
Memberships are automatically renewed annually using the same payment method of the original membership purchase. There is a $75 returned check fee and a $75 fee for credit card charge backs; and FASTRACK RIDERS reserves the right to exercise every legal means possible to collect. In the event that FASTRACK RIDERS is forced to take legal action to collect fees that are due to FASTRACK RIDERS, YOU, the CUSTOMER, agree to be responsible for any and all legal fees and costs necessary to collect deposits, fees and monies arising out of returned checks, credit card charge backs and unpaid fees.
YOU, the CUSTOMER, covenants not to sue FASTRACK RIDERS and further agree not to take legal action with respect to payment disputes AND ANY OTHER DISPUTES INCLUDING CANCELATIONS AND CARRYOVERS. YOU, the CUSTOMER, grant FASTRACK RIDERS and its agent’s permission to use RIDER’S image and/or likeness in connection with any photograph, video display, or other transmission and/or reproduction in whole or part of the event.
By placing an order with Fastrack Riders, you will be added to the company’s Newsletter and YOU the CUSTOMER hereby understand and acknowledge the terms above and expressly agree to be bound by FASTRACK RIDERS’ Credit and Cancellation Policy; its Terms, Waivers and Conditions.
0. New to the track?
Is this is your first time with Fastrack at ACS? No problem, watch this Orientation Lap and it will give you an idea of what to expect.
1. What time do I need to be at the track?
Arrive by 6:30 AM, to allow yourself enough time to unload your bike, register and have your bike inspected by our Tech Department. It is essential to get through tech and registration as early as possible so there will be no delays in attending the MANDATORY Riders meeting. The Riders Meeting begins at 8:00 A.M. Arriving early allows you to work on your bikes and get their garage or pit areas settled after they have registered and gone through tech.
2. What happens if I arrive at the track late?
You will have missed the riders meeting and you will NOT get to ride in the first riding rotation, as you will not be able to receive a tech card until you attend the second riders meeting. BE ON TIME. The second riders meeting is held at 10:30 AM. Understanding and acknowledging all of our safety procedures is required before being allowed onto the track. In the event half-day sessions are available, you cannot get a tech card until you have attended the afternoon “Rider’s Safety” meeting.
3. What should I bring?
At a minimum, it is recommended to bring chairs, a hat, sun glasses, sunscreen, a cooler stocked with water & ice, something to snack on, lunch (or money for lunch), and energy-type drinks. Bring your own gas. Gas is not available at the track!
4. Should I bring my own gasoline?
Yes. Keep in mind that you’re probably only going to get about 15 miles/gallon and, at 150 miles/day, you’ll need at least 10 gallons of fuel. Remember, leaded racing gas sometimes doesn’t work with all management systems, especially ones with oxygen sensors. There are gas stations within a 2 mile radius of the race track.
5. Can I ride my bike to the track?
Yes! However, if you have a problem with the bike or it gets damaged, you might not be able to ride it home. This is why we highly recommend that you transport your bike to the track instead of riding it out. Bringing a friend or riding with a group is a good idea in the event something happens to you or your motorcycle and you need assistance loading a damaged bike or in the event you might get injured and you need someone to get your stuff home. We STRONGLY ADVISE against riding your motorcycle to the track.
6. Can a friend come and watch?
Absolutely! In fact, we encourage it so they can assist you if there are problems with you or your bike. Many riders enjoy having their own rooting section that can take pictures of you flying around the track. Children under 14 are NOT allowed to operate or ride a motorized vehicle. No alcoholic beverages are allowed at Auto Club Speedway. Smoking is NOT permitted in any of the garages.
7. Do I need to bring food?
Guests can purchase lunch and snacks at all of our events through the contracted food vendor on site at all of our events in the event you do not wish to bring food or lunch. It is highly recommended to bring some energy snacks, lunch or money for lunch. Again, we strongly encourage you to pack a cooler with water, ice, energy bars, and energy drinks.
8. What do I have to do to my bike?
Using duct tape from a hardware store, you have to tape up your headlights, speedometer, taillights, turn signal lenses, mirrors, wheel weights and remove your license plate. In addition, you must pull the fuse for your headlight and taillight.
9. What do I have to wear?
Rider must have valid medical insurance – Visit for a medical insurance quote.
Full Face Helmet – Shoei helmet rentals are available for $15.00
Proper motorcycle riding gloves that go at least one inch above the wrist (such as Alpinestars GP Plus, GP Pro, or GP Tech gloves). – AlpineStar gloves are available for rent for $5.0
Proper motorcycle boots. No hiking boots or tennis shoes will be allowed! – AlpineStars boots are available for rent for $20.
1 piece OR 2 piece leather suit (that zips together). NOTE: 2-Piece Suits must zip together all the way around or you will NOT be allowed to ride! – ACT leather suits are available for rent for $65/day + security deposit.
Ballistic Nylon Suits are approved as well; provided they zip all the way around.
Back protectors are highly recommended – AlpineStars back protectors rentals are available for $10.00.
10. Who must attend the Rider Development School?
If you have NO experience riding at a motorcycle track, the Rider Development School is MANDATORY.
In general, the main focus of the class is about YOUR safety and making sure you have a fun and safe day. Our experience has taught us that if we are going to err, it will be on the side of safety. It is extremely different riding on a race track versus riding fast in the canyons — which is how Fastrack Riders events came to be. Learning the correct racing line, proper track entry and exit procedures, proper hand signaling, proper passing techniques, flag meanings, braking points, apexes, etc., are the fundamentals that every rider needs to understand in order to safely progress.
Our Rider Development School students get the same amount of track time as any other group + ONE EXTRA SESSION at 8:00AM. If you are a fairly proficient rider, you can move up to ride in Level II or Level III after you have completed all classroom sessions for the balance of the day. The student-to-instructor ratio, at most events, is three to four students per instructor, so each student receives a lot of one-on-one instruction. Students have eight 20-minute minute sessions on the track riding in Level I with other Level I riders (minus any time lost due to mechanical or on track incidents). In addition, the students go out on the track at 8:00 AM for orientation laps, so it is important that all Rider Development School Students arrive early, unload their motorcycle and gear, and head to the Registration Office immediately to sign- in. Tech cards can ONLY BE OBTAINED AT REGISTRATION. After that, you head to Tech with your bike and if you’ve allowed yourself enough time, you’ll be suited up and ready to ride at 8:00 AM.
Rider Development School Students will meet as a group close to the tech area unless told otherwise. If Rider Development School Student arrives late and does not complete the mandatory sighting-laps, they will not be allowed to ride that day and will forfeit all monies paid!
11. Do I lose riding time because I am in the Rider Development School?
No, you get the same amount of riding sessions as all other riders. In fact, you receive one additional session early in the morning for orientation laps so getting registered, tech’ed, and suited up to be ready ready to ride at 8:00 AM! If a Rider Development School Student arrives too late to complete the sighting laps they will not be allowed to ride that day and will forfeit all monies paid!
12. What is the agenda for the Rider Development School?
You are the first group out on the track, and you start off by doing a couple of very slow sighting laps while being followed by our instructors. Fastrack Instructors will show you the proper riding line while on the track. After a couple of laps, you will follow the proper exit procedure, re-stage, and re-enter the track. You will do two more sighting laps, shown the proper exit procedure, and a debriefing in the classroom. The first classroom session is approximately 30 minutes and occurs while the other groups are riding. After a brief break, you will suit up again and go out for a full twenty-minute session at a moderate pace while our instructors sort out the various skill levels of all the riders in the class. Some riders will be waved past the instructors and can pick up the pace, some are monitored more closely. After that session, you return to the classroom for additional debriefing and information which may last approximately thirty minutes. When the rotation comes around for Level I, you will go back out on the track for another twenty-minute session. The rest of the day will mimic the rotation mentioned above and becomes more of a one-on-one process, with our instructors available to assist you with more personalized instruction. At your request, the instructor will either lead or follow you out on the track.
We like riders in the class to stage in the same area each time before going out on the track. We then group the students by riding abilities so you won’t have to ride faster than you are comfortable with! Our student to instructor ratio is three students per instructor. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR ALL STUDENTS TO BE ON TIME FOR ALL CLASS ROOM LECTURES AND AT THE START OF EACH ON TRACK SCHEDULE. WE WILL START WITHOUT YOU! BE AT PREGRID ON TIME!
13. Can I bump up to Level II or Level III if I attend the school?
Yes! After completing all the classroom sessions and with approval by your instructor, you can request a group change you and your instructor comfortable with the advancement. NO level changes will be allowed prior or during the school.
For the safety of all of our riders, Fastrack Riders provides transponders which records lap times. This allows us to monitor and validate if a Rider Development School Student can move up to a different level.
14. Can I register or sign up at the track?
Depending on spot availability, this option is occasionally available. We highly recommend calling our office to check prior to each event so you don’t make a wasted trip. Cash and credit cards are accepted at the track if space is available.
As always, pre-registering in advance is much and you save the $50.00(post-deadline) processing fee. Be aware that most events sell out one to two so there will be times where signing up at the track is not an option
15. How do I pre-register?
Visit our web site at, and click on register. Select the event you wish to attend. It only takes several minutes to register and purchase online. Remember: events are often sold out so register in advance!
16. How do I get my bike Tech’ed?
After signing all required registration forms in the registration office you will be provided with a tech card. Take the tech card and your motorcycle to the tech area. You will be greeted by a Fastrack employee and your motorcycle will be inspected. Once you pass inspection, a sticker will be affixed to your bike to show what level you will be riding in. If you are riding consecutive days with us at the track, you will need to register and obtain a new tech card for each individual day you are signed up. Sticker colors change daily! You will not be allowed on the race track until you have signed all required registration forms and your bike has passed tech inspection.
17. What else should I consider?
At Las Vegas Motor Speedway, Buttonwillow Raceway, or Chuckwalla Valley Raceway, we highly recommend you to bring a pop-up canopy to protect yourself from the sun. Auto Club Speedway provides garages (4 bikes per garage bay please), so canopies are not necessary. Generators are recommended at these tracks as well if you are running tire warmers and need electrical power.
18. Should I bring tools?
Absolutely! You never know what might vibrate loose or come off your bike, so a basic tool kit is a good idea. You will need enough tools to possibly remove your wheels in the event you have to buy new tires. See #19 below for pressure recommendations.
19. Do you have tire vendors at your events?
Yes, our tire vendor is 61 DTC . For track riding, lowering your normal tire pressures is recommended. Please check with 61 DTC for proper inflation based upon conditions. It will almost always be lower than normal street recommended pressures. 61 DTC is Fastrack Riders’ official and exclusive tire vendor and will be at all Fastrack Riders events.
20. Can we spend the night at the track?
Yes! However we recommend that you call our office to confirm overnight camping at any of our scheduled events. At Auto Club Speedway, RVs are welcome and electrical hookups are available. At Chuckwalla Valley Raceway, there is a charge for camping. You must arrive before 8:00 PM at all facilities. Showers are available at Auto Club Speedway.
21. Can I change groups if I think I’m in a group that is too fast (or too slow) for me?
Fastrack Riders reviews lap times and will move riders up or down based strictly upon their lap times.
22. Can I ride a bike in two different sessions?
No, we no longer allow riders to ride in two different sessions. You must ride in the group you were registered to ride in.
23. Can I ride two different bikes in my level?
This option is available, but must be approved by management prior to registration. There is a $75 fee for the second bike. Several riders have abused this privilege, so we monitor these situations very closely. There are penalties if a rider allows another rider to ride his second bike which includes expulsion from the event and will be required to pay for an additional full track day before being allowed to register for future events.
24. What happens if I forget my key to my motorcycle?
Unfortunately, there’s not much we can do. New bikes are difficult to “hot wire”, so you may end up out of luck. While we sympathize with your situation, we cannot offer a refund or credit.
25. What happens if I cannot make it to the event I signed up for because of some unexpected last minute change?
26. Do you run your events in the event of rain or inclement weather?
Yes. Fastrack Riders reserves the right to cancel an event or a rider group as deemed necessary at its discretion. Fastrack Riders does not force nor encourage riders to ride in unsafe conditions. Unless you are notified by Fastrack Riders that an event will be canceled due to weather conditions, you are expected to show up. A “no show” will be treated as such and all monies are forfeited. No refunds will be granted. Predicting the weather is about as easy as predicting which number and color will come up on a roulette wheel in Vegas. It’s not a perfect science. A perfect example: Fastrack Riders held a 3 day event at Auto Club Speedway. The weather was forecasted to be great all weekend. It suddenly changed to some rain on Sunday but nice all the other days. On Friday it changed again to raining most of Saturday and the rest of the days it was supposed to be nice and sunny. In the end, it was beautiful on Saturday, a little rain on Sunday morning so we got a later start, and Monday it was perfect. Each day was a great day to ride and everyone had a great time and got all the track time they could stand. During the week before the event we received in the range of 200 calls wanting to cancel because of the pending rain or asking us our opinion on the pending rain. Going forward, as in the past, Fastrack Riders runs “rain or shine” like most other track day companies. If you registered for a track day and do not show up, you will forfeit all monies paid.
27. Is there an ATM at the track?
Yes! At Auto Club Speedway an ATM is available next to the concession stand. All other tracks do not have an ATM.
28. Do you have leathers or riding suits for rent?
We have twelve ACT leather riding suits in various sizes to choose from. Rental fee is $65 per day, and must be reserved in advance. We also rent boots, gloves, helmets and back protectors.
29. Do you have motorcycles for rent?
Track prepared bikes are available through Xtreme Motorcycle Rental ( which is listed on our home page. They are a separate company from Fastrack Riders so please contact them for daily rental rates.
30. Why is there a $50.00 post registration fee?
Due to the higher cost to process credit cards, paperwork and information after the event is set up. The entire event from staff, food required, and riding rotation, is based upon our pre-registered riders.
31. Will there be a photographer at the track?
Yes! Pictures are usually taken throughout the day and are available for purchase in the afternoon on site. Pictures are taken by CaliPhotography ( who uses the latest state of the art camera equipment. Picture packages are available for purchase as well as individual shots. All pictures are stored online and can be purchased after the event as well.
32. What is the difference in the different riding groups?
Level I: For novice riders. RDS students with jerseys also ride in this level. No passing past double green cones in turns 1, 7, 10 and 12. All other corners ok to pass but from outside only. On the straight away it is ok to pass from inside or outside. Again, a clean six foot pass is required or rider will be reported to pre grid. Any physical contact made with another rider or bike will call for immediate suspension from the event. Level I and the Rider Development School groups are on the track at the same time. The class rides along with the instructors. Level II : For intermediate skilled riders. This level allows passing inside and out any place on the track provided it is a clean six foot pass except in T12, where there is no passing past the double green cones. Passes must be clean six foot passes or the rider will be reported to pre grid. Any physical contact made with another bike or rider will be immediately suspended from the event.Level III: For faster more experienced riders and club racers. This level allows passing on the inside and out anyplace on the track provided they are clean six foot passes. No passing on T12 past the double green cones first session of the day. Passes must be clean six foot passes or the rider will be reported to pre grid. Any physical contact made with another bike or rider will be immediately suspended from the event.
Please observe a safe six foot passing distance when passing as a rule!
Laptimes Guideline (Subject to Change Per Event)
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1/ Rider Development School
Auto Club Speedway AMA Track
1:45 or below
1:56 and up
33. Why does FASTRACK RIDERS run three groups?
With over ten years of experience, we have learned that it is safest to run three groups since we train or convert so many riders from the streets to the track. On an average FASTRACK RIDERS event day, you will ride between 150 to 195 miles, unless there are a lot of crashes which eat up track time.
34. Can I get individual training no matter what class I ride in?
Yes! We offer 1:1 Training packages that are worth every penny and you can be purchased at:
35. What happens if I crash?
If you crash, it’s a 95% chance that you are done for the day! Why? Too many riders ride over their abilities and crash, which takes away from other paid riders riding time and endangers other riders. Regardless of how the accident happens, unless another rider caused you to crash, you are done for the day. It has been proven over 60% of the riders that are allowed to ride again, crash again the same day. Unfortunately we cannot let one or two riders ruin everyone else’s day. No refunds, no credits! If you are allowed to go back out, you will sit out for a minimum of two sessions.
36. Can I ride a cruiser-type bike at a FASTRACK RIDERS event?
We’ve had almost every type of bike ridden at one time or another over the years but, Fastrack Riders no longer allows cruiser motorcycles to be ridden on the track. The speed differentiation is too great and creates a safety issue.
37. What do you recommend if I am a relatively new rider and not ready for the track?
Pre-RDS Description
For riders who have completed the MSF course but have very little street riding experience.
For riders who want to work on riding basics including, throttle control to balance the motorcycle, steering fundamentals, setting corner entry speed, gear shifting, use of visual reference points.
Level B (Beginner) Description
For riders who just completed the MSF course and need a place to practice without cars and road hazards.
For riders with small bore bikes (Ninja/CBR 250-300, Yamaha R3, KTM RC390) who want to work on riding skills and are uncomfortable riding with big bore bikes passing them with large speed differentials on the straightaways.
For riders on bigger bore bikes (600cc-1000cc) who do NOT have the desire to accelerate past 90mph on the straightaways. They want to practice negotiating corners and don’t want to blast the straightaways, or be passed by riders blasting the straightaways.
For riders who are NOT focused on lap times, they are focused on developing skills in a relaxed riding environment that is not rushed.
For riders who do NOT have a sense of urgency to pass slower riders as they approach them, rather they will take their time to pass with courtesy. They are not out to prove anything to anyone.
Passing rules same as level 1 but with much less speed and less speed disparity between riders in this group. Riders being passed in this group should never feel startled or threatened by a passing rider. The rider performing the pass exercises extreme caution when passing.
Riders in this group can be Meatball flagged for aggressive passing. 6ft passing rule clearly enforced in this level at all times.
38. Do I have to be a racer or ride really fast to do track days?
Absolutely not! We want to help you improve your riding skills and make you a safer rider in the safest environment possible. You can ride in level I for as long as you like where speed is not the issue.
39. How fast do I have to ride or have to be?
Just stay within the speed range where you are most comfortable. Do not worry about being passed. It is the other riders’ responsibility to pass you safely and cleanly. It is about riding safe and being safe, and the only way to do that is for you to ride within your limits, comfort zone and be predictable. Yes, there will always be faster riders than you! Just maintain your line and let them get around you. Do not worry about holding anyone up, and never look behind when riding on the track. Always look ahead!
40. Can I ride without medical insurance?
Absolutely not! You can’t even register online without providing your healthcare insurance information. At the track, you will be required to sign a form stating you have in force some form of healthcare insurance. If you sign our waiver stating you have medical insurance and you do not have medical insurance, it is considered a fraudulent act.
Check out if you would like to purchase health insurance.
41. What are the minimum-experience requirements for the Rider Development School?
Valid M1 motorcycle license or permit
Must be at least 18 years of age, or have a parent or guardian sign a waiver form
Minimum of 1 year riding experience or minimum of 8,000 miles seat time
In the event of an event cancellation by Fastrack Riders, a carry over credit will be issued which can only be used for a make-up event with six months of the canceled event.
43. What does the schedule for the day look like?
7:00 AM – Registration and Tech are open
8:00 AM – Riders meeting and for Rider Development School Students sighting laps on the track
9:00 AM – At the top of every hour, and every hour thereafter, Level III is on the track for twenty minutes (minus lost time)
9:20 AM – At twenty past the hour, and every hour thereafter, Level II is on the track for twenty minutes minus lost time)
9:40 AM – At forty past the hour, and every hour thereafter, Level I and Rider Development School Students are on the track for twenty minutes (minus any lost time)
5:00 PM- The track goes cold and it is time to load up and go home.
All Rider Development School Students must be registered, bike tech’ed, suited up and dressed ready to ride near the tech area at 8:00 AM. It is the responsibility of all the students to go to the classroom immediately after each riding session. If Rider Development School Student arrives too late to complete the sighting laps they will not be allowed to ride that day and will forfeit all monies paid!
44. What is different about Fastrack Riders than most other track day organizations?
We run very organized safe events because we have a paid trained staff with operating under strict operating procedures and rules.
We run a full contingency of corner workers at all tracks. We make sure the entire track is covered by a corner worker by line of sight. In the event something happens we can notify all riders on the track via the flags. This is all about safety so until you need a corner worker, you might not appreciate the fact we always have the entire track covered by line of sight.
At all Auto Club Speedway events Fastrack Riders runs TWO ALS Ambulances. This is done so in the event there is a transport and one ambulance has to leave the facility, the event will not be shut down as at most other track day events. It is a rare occurrence that both ambulances have to handle a transport within the same period of time. Thus, the event can still be shut down due to lack of emergency services.
Events at Buttonwillow, Willow Springs (Big Willow and Streets of Willow), and Las Vegas Motor Speedway we only one ALS Ambulance will be on site. This reduces the cost to the rider by approximately $12.00 per rider but we do run the risk in the event of a transport. The event will be shut down until another ambulance is back in position at the track. Sometimes this can take more than an hour.
The entire Fastrack team is equipped with our own radios so there is good communication to quickly handle all situations whether it be in tech, pre grid, administration, start finish, fire safety, ambulances, Rider Development School, or security.
Fastrack Riders carries its own insurance while many track day promoters only purchase insurance at the track for that one event. The key is no one wants anyone to crash and get injured, but in the event something did happen to a rider, carrying our own insurance can better protect or assist a rider with an insurance claim than companies that purchase insurance through the track.
45. Does Fastrack Riders take a lunch break or when do I eat lunch?
Each rider eats lunch at their leisure. Fastrack does not break for lunch.
46. What happens if it is my first time to a track and I have no idea how the track goes, what do I do?
Fastrack Riders always provides “sighting laps” for each group during their first session in the morning. We will enter the track and complete about a lap and a half. During the sighting laps, all riders will exit the track by following the lead control rider when they signal to exit. All riders will then be allowed back out on the track to complete their session. This way you will be familiar with how to get on and off the track and the general layout. You must be at pre grid at the appointed time for your group or you will miss the orientation laps.
47. What are the most important things I should remember other than being on time and paying attention to the clock?
Cold tires! It takes a minimum of three laps to get the proper heat in the tires to get maximum traction and grip.
Ride within your abilities! It’s okay to be slower than other riders. Never look back!Always focus on the track in front of you! There will always be faster riders than you.
Get to the track early, unload your bike and gear ASAP, go straight to registration and sign in, get your tech card and take the tech card and bike to tech station. Once your bike has passed tech inspection, go to the mandatory riders meeting at 8:00 AM if you are not in the Rider Development School. Rider Development School students should be dressed ready to ride at 8:00 AM next to tech.
48. I am afraid of riding in a big group. I fear taking off in a large group and getting hit?
We limit group sizes based upon the size and configuration of the track so it is not too crowded. In addition we do not let the entire group go at once. We usually only allow four riders to enter the track at a time leaving a gap between each small group so it’s not a mad dash by the entire group into the first turn. This is done for the safety of all and prevents the track from getting too jammed up.
49. If I am a Rider Development School Student and I am late, why can’t I ride?
It would be unsafe to put you on the track with no experience. It is unsafe for you and other riders.
50. Why do I have to pay if I am late for the Rider Development School and prevented from riding?
Fastrack Riders pays their instructors and has to schedule them to be at the track in advance so we have accumulated the cost whether you ride or not. It is your responsibility to be there on time and is reiterated in our pre-event email that is sent out to all attendees.
51. What is your credit, terms and cancellation policy?
FASTRACK RIDERS reserves the right to change its policy without notice. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN.
YOU, the CUSTOMER/RIDER expressly agree to be bound by the conditions, regarding FASTRACK RIDERS’ Cancellation & Terms And Conditions policy, its terms, waivers and conditions; and YOU expressly acknowledge your acceptance of the terms, waivers and conditions necessary for purchase and participation in a FASTRACK RIDERS’ event.
Event Cancellation Requested by Customer:
Fastrack MEMBERS, with an ACTIVE base or VIP membership at the time of the cancellation request, will be issued a carryover credit for a cancellation request that is submitted in writing via email up to 24 hours prior to the requested event start date. Cancellation credits exclude private coaching and special events (special events are non-standard ACS Levels 1—3 registration). The carryover credit will expire 90 days from date of cancellation request. All cancellation requests must be submitted by email. Cancellation will be deemed effective upon receipt of written approval by a FASTRACK RIDERS representative. If YOU fail to cancel within the 24 hours prior to the requested event start date, YOU will forfeit all money paid. In the event of a no-show, all money paid will be forfeited.
NON-MEMBERS, individuals who do not have an ACTIVE Base or VIP membership at the time of the cancellation request, will be issued a carryover credit for a cancellation request that is submitted in writing via email up to fourteen (14) days in advance of an event minus a $75.00 processing fee. The carry over credit will expire 90 days from date of cancellation request. All cancellation requests must be submitted by email. Cancellation will be deemed effective upon receipt of written approval by a FASTRACK RIDERS representative. If YOU to cancel within fourteen (14) days prior to the requested event start date, YOU will forfeit all money paid. In the event of a no-show, all money paid will be forfeited.
Event Cancellation by FASTRACK RIDERS:
FASTRACK RIDERS has a Rain or Shine policy. Fastrack Riders reserves the right to cancel an event or a rider group as deemed necessary at its discretion. If an event or a rider group is cancelled by FASTRACK RIDERS:
Fastrack MEMBERS, with an ACTIVE Base or VIP membership at the time of the cancellation, will be issued a carryover credit to be used at a Fastrack event within 365 days of the cancelled event.
NON-MEMBERS, individuals who do not have an ACTIVE Base or VIP membership at the time of the cancellation, will be issued a carryover credit for a makeup event as specified by Fastrack Riders and will be good for only that make up event, and may NOT be used at any other scheduled FASTRACK RIDERS events. The CUSTOMER will be notified, via email, of the makeup date within 30 days of the cancellation. FASTRACK RIDERS reserves the right to schedule the make-up event to occur within 365 days of the cancelled event. FASTRACK RIDERS does not guarantee nor does it take any responsibility for those who are unable to attend the make-up event for ANY reasons, including scheduling conflicts.
Memberships are automatically renewed annually using the same payment method of the original membership purchase.
There is a $75 returned check fee and a $75 fee for credit card charge backs; and FASTRACK RIDERS reserves the right to exercise every legal means possible to collect. In the event that FASTRACK RIDERS is forced to take legal action to collect fees that are due to FASTRACK RIDERS, YOU, the CUSTOMER, agree to be responsible for any and all legal fees and costs necessary to collect deposits, fees and monies arising out of returned checks, credit card charge backs and unpaid fees. YOU, the CUSTOMER, covenants not to sue FASTRACK RIDERS and further agree not to take legal action with respect to payment disputes AND ANY OTHER DISPUTES INCLUDING CANCELATIONS AND CARRYOVERS.
YOU, the CUSTOMER, grant FASTRACK RIDERS and its agent’s permission to use RIDER’S image and/or likeness in connection with any photograph, video display, or other transmission and/or reproduction in whole or part of the event.
By placing an order with Fastrack Riders, you will be added to the company’s Newsletter and YOU the CUSTOMER hereby understand and acknowledge the terms above and expressly agree to be bound by FASTRACK RIDERS’ Credit and Cancellation Policy; its Terms, Waivers and Conditions.
Adhere to all flags and what they mean. This is the only way a rider can be communicated to telling them if something has happened on the track, debris in the next corner, something is wrong with their motorcycle which could cause them to crash, or their session is over. FLAGS are all about keeping riders safe on the track so it is VERY IMPORTANT all riders follow the flag rules.
Clean six foot passing rule in effect at all times. Since it is only a track day there is no reason for close passing which could cause a rider to crash. It is common sense, being courteous, and the safe thing to do. Riders have all day and twenty minute long sessions to get around a slower rider so there is no need to stuff a rider and take the chance of being involved in a crash.
No intentional wheelies! Power wheelies are acceptable where the front wheel comes up and goes back down but no intentional wheelies or holding the front wheel up to impress the crowd.
No Sparking Type knee sliders allowed. While they look cool, they do have small bits of metal in them which will come off the slider and can cut down a tire.
Adhere to the passing rules based upon the group a rider is in. Level I allows passing inside and out on the straights and on the outside only in the turns. The turn begins where there are two braking cones so no passing on the inside after that point. All passes must be clean six foot passes or rider will be reported to pre grid. Any physical contact made with another rider or bike will call for immediate suspension from the event. Level II allows passing inside and out every place on the track including the corners. However the passes must be clean six foot passes or the rider will be reported to pre grid. Any physical contact made with another bike or rider will be immediately suspended from the event. Level III allows passing inside and out any place on the track. All passes are under rule number two which is a six foot clearance.
Proper entry and exit of the race track. The rider should always stay to the edge they are entering the track at till they are up to speed. Never enter a track and cut across the track as other riders already on the track might be coming down the track and rider entering the track could get hit because they pulled into the riding line. When exiting the track, keep an arm up or leg out well before exiting the track and stay to the edge while keeping your speed up till off the track. NEVER CHANGE YOUR MIND WHEN EXITING AND GO BACK ONTO THE TRACK AFTER SIGNALLING TO EXIT!
These are just plain Common Sense
NEVER STOP ON THE TRACK! Unless something happens right in front of a rider they should never ever stop on the track.
NEVER LOOK BACK while riding on the track! There is too much going on in front of a rider and every time a rider looks back their bike drifts in the direction they turn their head which could lead to them hitting another rider, turning into the path of another rider, or running off the track.
NO CONSUMPTION OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL WHILE RIDING OR BETWEEN RIDING SESSIONS! Sounds stupid to have to make this a rule but riders have been caught doing just that.
Sorry, but if your bike will not start, you forgot your key, your transportation to the track could not make it for any reason so you could not make it, forgot some gear, your bike does not pass tech, you crash early and cannot ride, something breaks on your bike, you injure yourself and cannot ride, or you thought the weather was going to be bad so you did not show. While we certainly sympathize with any of these occurrences, since you purchased a slot / ticket / space / seat which we reserved for you to ride with Fastrack Riders, there will be no refunds or credit given per our credit and return policy.
Monday through Friday 9:00 AM till 6:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM till 12:00 PM Sorry, we are closed Sundays and all holidays. If we are at the track we will not be able to answer your call, so please leave a message and we will get back to you in a prompt manner.